Products: Indentification Guides Audio CD Insects


GUIA SONORA DELS INSECTES DE CATALUNYA: grills, saltamartins i cigales

Sound Guide of insects of Catalonia: crickets, grasshoppers and cicadas

Authors: Rafael Carbonell & Eloisa Matheu
Posted: Alosa, sons of nature and Museu de Granollers Ciències Naturals
Publication Date: 2010
Support: 1 CD audio + book
Reference: AL 30310
ISBN: 978-84-937946-0-6

INSECTS SONGSApp iPhone, iPod touch, iPad, available in iTunes Store.

Features Guide:
The first audio guide published in Spain dedicated to the orthopteran and cicada are heard more commonly.
50 species
5 soundscapes
64 minutes of singing crickets, grasshoppers and locusts
56 page book with photographs of the species in Catalan texts referred to the song and its recognition, and information on current oscillograms and daily periods of singing.

The 50 species are grouped in systematic order, and admission is by its scientific name.

Review in The Orthoptera of Europe:.

Recordings: Eloisa Matheu and Rafael Carbonell.
Have contributed their recordings: Fernand Deroussen and Rafael Marquez.
Text: Rafael Carbonell
Mastering: Eloisa Matheu
Cover illustration: Marina Miró (Galanthus )
Interior Illustrations: Roger Pibernat
Photo: Rafael Carbonell, with contributions from Jordi Clavell, Ramon Fernandez, Jose Ignacio Garcia-Abasolo, Francesc Llimona, David Llucià Pomares, Angel Martinez, Carlos Muñoz Alcon, Josep Maria Olmo, Stéphane Puisssant, Josep Manel Sesma. Collaboration:

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code: AL 30310
15.00 € /